The decorations are stored, and all the visiting family have
returned to their homes (hopefully). As you clean your house from
the Holiday festivities you may notice leftover stains on your
upholstery or carpet. Never fear, Mohawk Consumer Products has a
cleaner for that!
The Mohawk
Upholstery/ Fabric Cleaner (M103-3001) cleans grease, ink,
crayon, red drinks, lipstick, cosmetics, Iodine, blood, sun block,
shoe polish and much more. It's like peace of mind in a bottle!
It's easy to use with No Bleach.

smaller jobs use
Mohawk's Leather and Upholstery Stain Remover Stick
(M850-2015). It
quickly and easily removes recent grease, engine grime, food
stains, grass stains, shoe scuffs, chocolate, perspiration, blood,
and many other stains. This easy to use stick can be used on top
coated (pigmented leather) or vinyl surfaces as well as washable
fabric upholstery. Just rub it on the stain and wipe it off! Please
note: Ink Remover is most effective on recent (within 3 to 5
days) ink stains.

Finally, to remove scratches and fingernail marks on leather,
Mohawk's Scratch Remover (M850-2060). This water-based product
is used to blend and hide surface scratches, rubs, and fingernail
marks on aniline and pull-up leathers in an easy two-step

To see how this product and others can be used to aid in leather
restoration, see this
blog article by Tasha from Kaleidoscope Living.
As always, feel free to tag us in any of your recent DIY wood
working projects using #MohawkConsumer on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.