May 22, 2019
Getting new Furniture for your home is a big deal. It's often a
splurge some indulge in or it can be a lengthy labor of love. Buy
it or build it, either way it's something you invested in and
should be taken care of, keeping it useful and beautiful for the
years to come. These four tips are super simple and following them
will ensure a lifetime of pristine furniture.
Tip 1: Keep it Cool and Dry
If wood furniture is kept in a moist or humid environment it has
the opportunity to become warped or swollen. If you're wiping down
a wood surface with water, make sure the cloth you're using is damp
but does not drip. The water can seep into joints or any raw wood
sections, causing it to swell.
Tip 2: Keep it Dust-free
Cleaning more frequently is good in dusty areas to prevent the
dust from reaching a point where it becomes abrasive. However, you
should not have to be dusting very often if you're using a good
polish because better polishes prevent dust from building

Tip 3: Use the Right Polish
Never use an all-purpose cleaner, they can be harmful to your
specific type of wood or the stain that was put on it. Using a good
polish that was intended for wood surfaces will have better
results. Use polish sparingly because too much can leave a buildup
on surfaces which can easily show smudges and finger prints.
Quality polishes such as OZ Polish or Scratch
and Mar Resistor Polish are perfect for surfaces in your
[Did You Know…? The OZ Polish contains an anti-static additive
to help reduce the buildup of dust and also prevents against color
fade. ]

Tip 4: Don't Forget About Taking Care of Hardware
Don't forget about the small finishing touches, they often make
the biggest differences! Remove any metal pieces such as knobs or
handles to effectively clean the area underneath. Then clean the
hardware itself using Brass Lacquer, a polish
that works on any metal material.

For more information on how to properly take care of your
furniture visit our YouTube channel to see
instructional videos on how to keep your pieces in tip top